Hi there! Welcome to IPC!

Whether you’re just checking things out
or you’re exploring faith, we’re so happy that you’re here.


Who are we?

We’re progressive and traditional,
young and aging,
tree-huggers and white collars,
open-minded and learning,
contemplative and questioning,
prayerful, creative, and active.

We’re folks just like you.
People who are just trying to figure out some of the mysteries of God, and better understand what all God has do with us.

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@indianolapres on

What’s worship like?

Casual, down to earth, a bit traditional,
and yet always relevant fresh & new.

We gather for worship together every Sunday at 10:30 am.

You’ll find an informal space where coffee is welcome and the Spirit is moving through songs, stories, rituals, prayer, and art—all in our beautiful historic sanctuary. Our music incorporates both traditional, contemporary, and global hymns and songs.

We strive to be intergenerational in all we do, so children and youth are always invited to worship with their families. At the center of our sanctuary is a special kid’s table filled with activities & crafts for kids and at the back is a kid’s carpet, for crawlers and toddlers.

Masks are currently optional during worship. We will continue to provide masks for those who would like them.

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What do we talk about?

We believe that words and images in worship matter, and they should welcome all without pain or barrier.

We use the full range of scriptural and traditional language, reflecting God’s diversity as feminine & masculine, powerful & vulnerable. We honor the integrity of the cultural language of oppressed people groups, though we may find it unsettling. We seek to imitate Christ’s language of peace and equality amidst the oppressive, patriarchal culture reflected in the Bible.

We speak of inclusion, deliverance, and justice for all people.


Where are we located?

You’ll find us at 1970 Waldeck Ave. in the heart of the University District of Columbus. Near the Union, One block east of Buckeye Donuts.


Parking is always available during church events in our main lot across the street.
If visiting the church outside of an event, follow the instructions as a visitor of the church and request a validation code from a staff member.

Want to learn more?

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Talk with a pastor.

Got questions about IPC or your faith?
Get in touch with our Pastoral Staff to talk or meet in-person.

Pastor Trip Porch | trip@indianolapres.org

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